Monday, July 27, 2009

July 28,2009

WOD- 9am, 4:30pm, 5pm, 5:30pm & 6pm

"Donkey Kong"

Box Jumps

Creativity means believing you have greatness.-- Dr. Wayne Dyer

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, Hebrews 12:1

Remember that the CrossFit methodology is random and varied. You will never get bored because you are not doing the same old thing back to back. CrossFit is about becoming more fit and as a result of becoming more fit you will see many desired changes such as an overall increase in strength especially core strength, flexibility and range of motion just to mention a few. You will also see lower body fat, and a smaller waist as a result of your hard work. CrossFitters should be prepared to do everything and not scared to do anything. CrossFit is not and should never be considered a quick weight loss plan or a way just to lose a few pounds or inches. CrossFit is about a lifestyle and a serious commitment to your overall health and yes this puts a big emphasis on your nutritional habits. CrossFit is about overcoming weaknesses and the only way to do that is to face them head on! We are here to help you and encourage you to do that on every workout. CrossFit workouts will never be easy! If they were everyone would be doing it - you are in a different category! As you become stronger and faster the intensity will increase as well challenging you to push even harder on the next workout. CrossFit will change the way that you view fitness and as a CrossFitter you will look at the majority of fitness programs and realize you will never be challenged to push to the next level. I encourage all of you to tackle the areas that you are weak in and do not pick and choose WOD's that you like. Don't look at the workout in advance and decide to skip it because it has a run and you do not like to run or you do not feel confident on your pullups, etc. Instead come to us and let us know this so that we can work with you and encourage you to challenge these WOD' s until you conquer your weakness. Remember that CrossFit 864 is not a gym membership it is a community of like-minded athletes (yes you are an athlete) striving to reach the same goals together. We are never looking to boast about a large number of gym memberships at CrossFit 864, instead we are excited about the small core group of dedicated guys and girls that are willing to work through the heat and the hard workouts and never complain. All we can say is you ROCK!

Thank you!
Janice and Jay

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