Sunday, July 10, 2011

Monday July 11, 2011

CrossFit 864 - 9:00a.m./4:15p.m./5:15p.m./6:15p.m.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do,
and he will show you which path to take.
-Proverbs 3:5-6

I really like the hope found in this verse. Sometimes it's easy to trust Him in some things but not ALL things.

An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.
-Winston Churchill

Start as a group - do the warm-up posted on the board. Get to the box in time to do this together so that the workout can start together, on time. The warm-up will not go away as much as some of you wish it would. This is more important than I can emphasize to you in a paragraph!

See movement standards listed below for this workout. Keep it legit!

WOD - For time, complete the following:


100 pull-ups
100 push-ups (CF Style -hand release)
100 sit-ups
100 squats

Complete all 100 reps before moving to the next exercise. This is not to be broken into rounds.

Rx'd = Full Range of Motion on ALL reps.
Pull-ups / chin must be over the bar on every rep / elbows fully extended at the bottom of the pull-up - if you don't fully extend (for any reason) you are doing a scaled version of this workout.

Push-ups / lift hands off the deck at the bottom of the push-up

Sit-ups / shoulders touch mat at bottom and all  the way up (flat back at top - back should not be rounded and slumped over)

Squats / Full depth at bottom and FULL hip extension at top. Do not lean forward with your shoulders slumped - keep your chest UP! Keep those hands up in the air, this will help keep you in proper form. If you cant or don't complete the squat to at least parallel then list your time under the scaled list. No exceptions. This keeps it fair for everyone.

Train Hard - Train Smart

Check Sundays blog post for the schedule this week and check out the list of optional home WODs that you can do if you are unable to make the gym schedule. Post what you are doing on CrossFit 864 Facebook (remember, Gunny's watching - as always!)

Do you have your act together like a helicopter?
A helicopter is 6 million separate parts flying in the same direction in an unstable formation.

How's your nutritional habits looking? I say it a lot because I want you to know how much this plays into your overall health and fitness. CrossFit WODs can and will have amazing results but they will be limited if you are filling you body with junk. Unfortunately some of you are still following the old food pyramid from 30 years ago that emphasized a lot of grains and carbohydrates - forget about all of that if you want to get real benefits from your diet not to mention getting leaner and healthier. You guys do an awesome job of encouraging and motivating each other on this and that really helps keep you on track.

Hope your week is off to a great start! Miss you guys! Go hard!

Jay and Janice

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