Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wednesday September 29, 2010

CrossFit 864 "No Whining Zone"


Today's Warm up is: Run 1 mile

2 minute drills:

When the clock starts perform as many strict reps as possible in 2 minutes.
Rest 90 seconds between each exercise. Total reps added up at the end for score.
See movement standards below.

Push-ups (CrossFit style - release hands from the deck on each rep)

This is a short workout today - if you need to work on flexibility, stretching or abdominal strength or run another mile, etc this is good time to spend a few extra minutes on this when you finish the wod.

On this workout your reps will be counted as you complete them and listed on the board for you.

FORM/FROM - This workout is about how many "quality reps" you can complete within the time period. If you are still counting partial or sloppy reps then you are still cheating yourself out of the benefits of full range of motion. This is what CrossFit or any other quality training program is based on so you will always hear this as a priority for several reason - helping to keep all of our athletes injury free and to benefit as much as possible from each exercise/workout.

Remember if you lose count of your reps during a workout the next number is always 1.

Movement Standards:

Pull-ups - Athlete must start from a hang with elbows fully extended. Chin must come over the horizontal plane of the bar to complete the rep. Any grip on bar and dead hang or any form of kipping is acceptable for this workout. This is for every rep - not a few of them.

Push-ups - you must touch your chest and thighs to the ground and you must achieve full extension of the arms at the top of the movement. The hips and chest must move together in an aligned position. Chest and thighs should touch the ground at the same time on each rep. CrossFit style push-ups, release hands from the ground on each rep.

Hydrate - Stretch - Refuel

It's the promise and hope in verses like this that keep me going each day!

The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles.
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. A righteous man may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all; he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken. Evil will slay the wicked; the foes of the righteous will be condemned. The LORD redeems his servants; no one will be condemned who takes refuge in him.
-Psalm 34:17-22

“Ones best success comes after their greatest disappointments.”
-Henry Ward Beecher

Today's off the wall fact that probably means nothing to anyone is:
Most elephants weigh less than the tongue of the blue whale

Here's a couple of Chuck Norris facts for those of you that woke up feeling tough today.

-Chuck Norris doesnt' walk away from explosions, explosions walk away from Chuck Norris
-Chuck Norris uses pepper spray to clear his sinuses.
-Chuck Norris once did steroids, and the pills got stronger.
-Chuck Norris doesn't need to mow his lawn, He dares the grass to grow.
-Chuck Norris's sweat has burned holes in concrete.

OK, so you get the idea....Chuck Norris is the man!
Little humor for the day and now the playing is over. 3-2-1-Go!

Have you tried any new Paleo / Primal recipes lately? If so post them on CrossFit 864 or Paleo 864 Facebook. Have any of you tried the Primal energy bars? About to make another batch here...they go great with a strong cup of bold brew or a couple shots of espresso!

Reminder - Group wide/multi family yard sale at CF 864 this Saturday.

Body Fat Test Truck at CF 864 on October 30, 2010. http://bodyfattest.com/
Clinton Downtown Association 5K Run/Walk on the same day before the body fat test start.

Today is Jody T's last day in the box before he heads to Quantico, Va. for USMC OCS. Give Jody a shout today and wish him luck and thank him for his commitment to our country and our freedom. The freedom that we sometimes take for granted is not free at all and it's only because men and women are willing to die for it each day! There are many others around us in and out of the box each day that have served our country so take a minute to thank them as well for their service. Keep all of these guys on your prayer list.

Post your workout on CrossFit 864 Facebook.

Jay and Janice

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