Sunday, March 20, 2011

Monday March 21, 2011

CrossFit 864 WOD - 9:00a.m./4:15p.m./5:15p.m./6:15p.m.

Because of his love, God had already decided to make us his own children through Jesus Christ. That was what he wanted and what pleased him, and it brings praise to God because of his wonderful grace. God gave that grace to us freely, in Christ, the One he loves. In Christ we are set free by the blood of his death, and so we have forgiveness of sins. How rich is God's grace, which he has given to us so fully and freely. God, with full wisdom and understanding, let us know his secret purpose. This was what God wanted, and he planned to do it through Christ
-Ephesians 1:5-9

“You can't undo anything you've already done, but you can face up to it. You can tell the truth. You can seek forgiveness. And then let God do the rest.”

2011 CrossFit Games

Games WOD #1
03.16.11 - 03.27.11

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:

30 Double-unders
15 Power snatches (75lbs / 35kg)

Description of movements:

This is a standard double-under in which the rope passes twice for each jump. Only successful jumps are counted, not just attempts.

Power snatch
This power snatch is really a "ground to overhead anyhow." The key point is the range of motion between the start and end points. For a barbell loaded with full sized plates, the bottom is when the plates touch the ground. For a barbell loaded with smaller plates, the bottom is when the barbell passes fully below the knee cap. The overhead position is when knees and hips are fully extended, arms are locked out overhead and the bar is over or behind the heels. Make sure to come to full extension on every rep.

Additional Notes

Please be sure to watch the entire workout instruction video for full details. Every rep counts in this workout. Credit will be given for partially completed rounds. You will enter your result by the number of completed rounds, plus the number of successful double-unders, plus the number of power snatches in the final round (if incomplete.)

Get with Jay or Janice to time and count reps if you are interested in doing WOD #1.

Today's CF864 WOD
Five rounds for time:
■Run 400 meters

■30 box jump, 24 inch box

■30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball

Scale/modify based on your strength/fitness level.

Train Hard - Train Smart
Post your WOD time on CrossFit 864 Facebook. Thanks to those of you that take the time to do this each day!
We are told to "submit to one another." It's about putting the needs of others ahead of our own needs - doing what is best for others.
"Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ."

-Ephesians 5:21

Have a great day.

Jay and Janice

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