Thursday, September 8, 2011

Friday September 9, 2011

CrossFit 864

Today's WOD Schedule: 4:15p.m./5:15p.m.6:15p.m.

Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.
-Psalm 127:3

Did you know?

The rabbis of old declared that a child has three parents: God, his father, and his mother (cf. Gen. 20:17, 18; 30:1, 2). Parents, then, are held accountable unto God for their stewardship of parenthood. 

"A word to the wise ain't necessary, it's the stupid ones that need the advice."
-Bill Cosby

Warm-up starts as a group - promptly at scheduled times above. "5 Burpee penalty" for each minute that you are late. Hit the floor when you roll in late! Big Brothers watching.....

Partner up and spot each other on the floor press. 
Make sure that you understand the proper way to spot. Go on the CrossFit 864 Facebook page and watch Coach Mark Rippetoe's video on spotting the bench press. In brief, he states "it is not a team effort" so never touch someones bar while they are pressing unless the bar stops, starts to go back down or they tell you to take it. On today's WOD don't load the bar with a weight that you cannot lift for a single rep by yourself. Your partner does not need to deadlift again after yesterday. 

Today's WOD

12, 9, 6, 3 Reps of:

Floor Press - Bodyweight on bar
Box Jump (30/24)
Supine Ring Pull-ups


Sprint - 2 x 100 Meters
Sprint - 2 x 50 Meters
Sprint - 2 x 25 Meters

All out effort on each sprint - this is not a jog! 

Rest as needed between sprints

Floor pressing with your legs straight
When you floor press with your legs straight in front of you, you will be able to floor press WAY LESS weight than what you would be able to bench press. On the bench press you are using other muscles such as your legs for drive and there are so many ways to cheat. However, when you floor press with your legs straight in front of you, there is no way to cheat! Therefore, you will discover your real upper body power without all of your other muscle groups and technique playing a role! When you floor press with your legs straight you will be able to attain additional power, which the flat bench press alone cannot provide.

The floor press started before the bench press! The bench press was invented during the mid 19th century, but before the bench press was even invented lifters would lie on the floor and floor press. As the bench press started becoming popular lifters started to forget about the floor press and started bench pressing instead. However, within the last decade former bench press world record holder Jesse Kellum (who bench pressed 735@209 back when gear wasn't as effective as it is now,) re-invented the floor press and the exercise became popular again. He quickly discovered how much that the lift was helping him increase his bench press. 

There is really no lift that is as good as measuring brute strength as the floor press because there is no way to cheat. If you took a lot of the world record bench pressers that you read about and if you took their shirts away, and the fancy techniques that they use on the bench press, and made them lie flat on their back with a narrow grip and made them floor press, you will see that their lifts would go down significantly. The most anyone has ever floor pressed that I have heard about was 675 by Dave Waterman, and many old school powerlifters find that Waterman's 675lbs floor press feat of strength has been one of the sickest upper body feat of strength of all time!
Other strength training experts also love the floor press. If you read Pavel's book power to the people, the only 3 exercises you need to get downright strong are the deadlift, push press, and the floor press. The floor press has been one of the foundation movements of benching and not only has the floor press been here longer than the bench press, I believe once the bench press is extinct, the floor press will still be around.
-Critical Bench

Supine Ring Pull Up
To perform Sup Ring Pull Ups, set the rings so your back is off the ground, place heels on a box and pull your chest to your hands.

Train Hard - Train Smart

Question of the day: What are you thankful for today? 
Post it on CF 864 Facebook.

Saturday September 10, 2011 - No WOD in the box.

"Supporting the Pace at Whitten Center" 10K and 5K Run/Walk at 8:30a.m.

No WOD in the gym. We are going out to support Whitten Center....You can grab a entry form at CF864 or register on Saturday morning if you would like to join us. It is for a great cause. If you plan on coming wear your CrossFit 864 t-shirt. 

Jay and Janice

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