Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Thursday May 31, 2012


“In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?”
-Psalm 56:4

One man with courage is a majority.
-Thomas Jefferson

Today's Schedule: 5:15a.m./9:00a.m./4:15p.m./5:15p.m./6:15p.m.

Yoga - Today at 7:00p.m. $6.50 per person

Reminder - June dues (by June 1) Thank you for being on time! 

Please take a moment to look at more than just the workout when you check out the WOD (such as - upcoming events, schedule changes, tips for becoming a better CrossFitter, etc.)

Today's Workout 
Part 1 - Posted on the whiteboard 

Part 2 - Strength 
Press 5-5-5-5-5

Part 3 - Conditioning
Complete 4 Rounds for time - AFAP
Rx'd =
10 Strict (dead hang) Pull-ups - Chin over bar & full extension at bottom
10 Push press (load = 75% of heaviest 5 rep press)
Run 200 Meters
Goal = go for unbroken reps on push press and pull-ups

Not sure why Part 1 seems to be difficult for some to understand. This is part of the WOD (today's workout) so why would you try to avoid doing it? Please do not hide out in the corner hoping that it will go away or everyone will finish and you can hop right into the workout. This can't happen. Visit any other CF gym and you will find that the warm up is at least 20 minutes or more worth of work. Your overall health is our concern so allowing you to do a CF WOD without being prepared would not only be negligent on our part it is unwise for you to consider. The odds are against you (trust me) it will only be a matter of time before you get injured and we do not want to see this happen to you. When the afternoon groups get big and start to overlap it gets hard to keep up with who is actually getting warmed up and prepared for the hard work ahead of you. Starting today we will start every group (as a group) with part 1 so that all can finish together allowing us to start the next part without having to wait on someone to catch up. If you need a little extra time before the workout starts please let us know. This is another reason that we ask EVERYONE to PLEASE show up on time for the workout that you plan on being in (10 minutes after the start time throws the rest of the group off.) We will go over the workout before it starts and we ask that you pay attention for those few minutes so that you don't have to look around after the workout starts to figure out what is going on. Thanks for your consideration! This helps us maintain a little structure in the program.  

Train Hard - Train Heavy - Train Smart

Proud of your hard work this week! Getting stronger one workout at a time.

Check us out at CrossFit864 on Facebook

Jay and Janice

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