Sunday, May 31, 2015

Monday June 1, 2015


For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.
-James 3:16

Jealousy is the worst trait in any person.

-Adam DeVine

Stop Making Excuses. Show Up. Stop Whining. Train Hard. 
Get Stronger. Support Others. Don't be Jealous. Have Fun!

Look forward to kicking off a strong week of CrossFit with you!
Today's WOD's - start at:

3 Week Strength Cycle:
(Week 1 - 5RM), (Week 2 - 3RM), (Week 3 - 1RM) 

Back SquatMonday's
Power Clean and Press - Thursday's

ALL WODs / Buy In - start together as a group.

Reminder - June Dues (NLT Monday June 1, 2015) 
$25.00 Late fee on all dues after June 1.
Thank you for your consideration! We appreciate you.

a.) Warm-up/Skill Work/Mobility 

b.) Buy In - Starts as a group

c.) Strength - Back Squat (work up to a heavy set of 5)

d.) Conditioning - AMRAP 10

5 Jumping Squats
10 KBS 
15 Fast Single-unders

A Squat Above Parallel is NOT A Squat!

RX KBS Load = 24kg./16kg. - American 
Scale/modify based on your strength/fitness level. The movement standards will always be covered before the WOD starts.

e.) Cash Out - Finish Strong

Rx = Movement Standards-Full ROM/Form/Load

Upcoming CF864 Events:

Check CrossFit864 on Facebook for updates 

Ladies Bible Study at CF864 - Tuesday (June 2) at 7:00p.m.

CF864 Community Yard Sale (BYOT)
May 30 Saturday 7a.m. - 11a.m. 
Bring your treasures and join us at the gym.

CF864 Community Project - Bell Street Middle School 
June 13 from 9 a.m. until 12 noon. This is an opportunity for you to support and be involved in the community that you live in. We will have a short WOD at 8:15 (starts at 8:15... don't show up at 8:15 - be ready to start at 8:15)
We hope that a lot of you will be able to show up and support this community effort especially if you have children that attend here. If we don't help who will? 

“Many people are good at talking about what they are doing, but in fact do little. Others do a lot but don't talk about it; they are the ones who make a community live.”
-Jean Vanier

"Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong."
-1 Cor. 16:13

Jay and Janice

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