CF864 Strength and Conditioning
If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you.
-James 1:5
Patience is the companion of wisdom
Today's WOD's - start at:
Reminder - May Dues (by May 1, 2014) Thank you!
$10.00 Late fee on all dues after Thursday May 1.
ALL WODs start together as a group.
Rx = Movement Standards/Load/ROM/Form
Warm-up/Skill Work/Mobility - Goat work.
Buy In - always as a group
Strength - Deadlift 3RM
Work up to a heavy triple todayNo Bounce. No Dropping from Lockout.
Rx = Conventional Style (hands outside of knees)
NFT - 3 X 8 Strict Back Extensions (3 second hold at top)
Conditioning - AMRAP 10 For Time/Quality Reps
5 Jumping Air Squats (explosive)
7 K2E (palms forward)
9 No Push up Burpee
Cash Out - Finish Strong
Cookout - If you plan on attending we need you to sign up on the whiteboard along with the side that you are bringing.
CrossFit864 Cookout - Thursday May 8 at 7:15p.m.
Celebrate our PC Students and Pharmacy School Students that are Graduating and Welcome to Summer Cookout!
Jay and Janice will provide grilled burgers. You can bring a side dish. There will be two tables for side dishes - 1 Paleo and 1 Non Paleo.
Sign up list on board at gym.
Please sign up ASAP so that we can get a head count for burgers, etc.
Jay and Janice will provide grilled burgers. You can bring a side dish. There will be two tables for side dishes - 1 Paleo and 1 Non Paleo.
Sign up list on board at gym.
Please sign up ASAP so that we can get a head count for burgers, etc.
be strong!
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