Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Thursday September 15, 2011

CrossFit 864

Today's Schedule: 
Morning - 5:15a.m./9:00a.m.
Afternoon - 4:15p.m./5:15p.m./6:15p.m./7:00a.m. (trial time)

“Christ’s Example of Humility - So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.”
-Philippians 2:1-2

“If there is no struggle, there is no progress.”
-Frederick Douglass

Cherry Picking, Ducking, and Avoiding WODs

It's confession time!

How many of you have cherry picked a WOD? (Cherry picking is knowing what the WOD is before you attend a class, and deciding NOT to go because you are scared, worried, think you can't do it, think you can't be the fastest, strongest, etc.)

Here are a few reasons why you should NOT cherry pick WODs:

1- You will continue to NOT improve and your overall fitness and results will suffer: The great thing about CrossFit is it exposes your weaknesses. If you are weak you will get stronger (anything with the barbell), if you are uncoordinated you will get coordinated (i.e. Double Unders), if you get gassed with your cardio you will get better (running/rowing). Your lack of proficiency in one area is holding back your overall results. CrossFit is the perfect way to improve because not only are you practicing the movement, you are getting great coaching, and you are being tested and in an environment where you will only build the skills to improve.

2- Your friends will surpass you: Because they don't cherry pick WODs your friends and fellow CrossFitter's will get better than YOU! You may be stronger than them now, but as they continue to progress in all other areas of their fitness they will eventually crush you in future WODs and that is NOT fun.

3- Your a role model: "No I'm not, I just want to get a good workout"...B.S.! I have noticed that if you care enough to cherry pick WOD's your other CrossFit friends will notice too. Remember when you were in grade school on the playground at recess playing pick up basketball and there was always that one kid who would shoot every time he touched the ball, and would NEVER play any defense! Then, when your team was playing defense and the opposing team would shoot the ball, he would 'cherry pick' and run to the end of the court and ask for the pass just so he could shoot again...and you would be like "Hell No, that chump doesn't play any defense"! Well that's the same as cherry picking WODs:-) You don't want to be know as the guy/gal that avoids what they are weak/or feel inadequate at, you want to be know as the champion/the fighter/ the person who adds to the community and is a driving force to help lead, teach, encourage and inspire others.
Next time you are looking up what our Workout Of the Day is, and you before you think ahhh I can't do... stop, drop and sign in for that class ASAP!

Cherry Pickers are the reason that some affiliates do not post the WOD until the end of the day. Only weak CrossFitters check the workout to decide if they will show up where a true CrossFitter knows that they will go no matter what might be in store. Sign up on the wall of shame (not the PR wall) when you cherry pick. Don't worry your fellow CrossFitters know who you are and when you do it.

Onward to ELITE Fitness!

-Above article borrowed from a CF affiliate and has been shared on other CF sites so thought I would pass it along. We don't have a lot of cherry pickers at 864 though. Big brothers watching.....if you are one of the few.

Warm-up starts PROMPTLY at scheduled times listed above. 

Today's WOD

Strength (week 1)

Floor Press 5-5-5-5-5 

Train Hard - Train Smart

Legs fully extended and butt must not come off the floor during the press - this is a cheat rep and considered poor form. We are testing upper body strength not hip strength. If your butt comes off the floor this means that your upper body is not strong enough to press the load that you have on the bar. 

5 reps means that all 5 reps are completed with proper form and full range of motion without racking the bar. You can't do 3 reps, rack it, rest and then do 2 more and call it a set of 5. Just want to make sure that everyone understands that.

Spotting the floor press - for those of you that have not watched Coach Mark Rippetoe's video on spotting the bench press (posted on CrossFit 864 Facebook) here it is in a nutshell - the bench press/floor press is not a team effort so do not touch the lifters bar unless the bar starts going back down or the lifters ask you to take it. Do not help with the exercise. 

Post your strongest 5 rep load on CrossFit 864 Facebook

What is your previous best 5 rep floor press? Today is the day to PR!


21-15-9 reps, for time:
Deadlift 225 pounds
Handstand Push-ups

NOTE - If you can't get up on the wall without assistance you will need to sub handstands. If you have any assistance at all (getting up or down on the wall) this will be considered scaled. 

Diane is a CFHQ WOD and the Rx weight is set at 225. For the girls the Rx weight in the box will be 155 pounds.

Post your Diane time along with your 5 rep floor press.

How many of you saw the CrossFit Games on ESPN 2 Wed. night?

We want to see you become a better CrossFitter. Stronger and Faster.
Go hard today!

Jay and Janice

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