9:00a.m. at PC
"Twenty-Five's Alive"
WOD #1 - Advanced
3 rounds of:
25 meter thruster/throw
25 burpees
25 meter thruster - throws
25 flutter kicks
WOD#2 - Intermediate
2-3 rounds of:
15 meter thruster - throws
15 burpees
15 meter thruster - throws
15 flutter kicks
New to CrossFit or have completed 2-3 WOD's 2-3 rounds of:
200 meter run
10 pushups/10 sit ups/10 squats
We look forward to seeing all of you Saturday morning. Dont forget to bring a bottle of water to keep you hydrated. Come with your game face on - You have pushed through a couple of really good (tough) workouts this week. Lets end the week looking strong! Your hard work is paying off.
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Theodore Roosevelt
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