Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Thursday June 6, 2013

CF864 Strength and Conditioning

So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.
- 1 Thessalonians 5:11

“Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.” 
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Today's WOD's - Start Promptly at: 

a.) Warm-up (spend at least 15 minutes before the buy in)

Please don't show up at the times above - allow time for the warm-up.

If the group has started the Buy In please wait until the next group starts. 

Thank you!

If you are doing the WOD - you must do the Buy In with the group.

b.) Buy In (starts at the time above) 

c.) Strength  - Press 5RM

d.) Conditioning - Rx'd =

d-1) 3 RFT of:
10 G2OH (Ground to Overhead) with 65% of todays 5RM
15 Box Jumps (24/20)

Rest 3 Minutes (time starts when last person finishes d-1)

d-2) 3 RFT of: 
10 Weighted Step-ups (50-53/30-35) Dbell/Kbell
15 Burpees

Box Step-up (24/20) / (#50-53/30-35) Dbell/Kbell

Goal = Unbroken Reps. Go hard and Fast!

e.) Cash Out

Don't forget to include "skill work" in your warm up. Work on your weakness.

Focus on your FORM today. 

#1 Priority in the gym today - Gym Etiquette.

Post Workout - Hydrate. Mobility. Stretch. Skill. Refuel

Saw this description of CrossFit the other day

Q: What do you do for exercise?
A: I lift weights.

Q: What do you do for cardio?
A: I lift weights faster.

CF864 Kids Camp - 2 Dates:
June 10-13
July 15-18

Jay and Janice

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