Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Thursday October 1, 2009

CrossFit 864 - Today's Schedule:
5:15a.m./9:00a.m./12:30p.m. (heavy)/4:30p.m./5:00p.m./5:30p.m/6:00p.m./
6:30p.m. (assessment with Jay Long)

Day 11 of the "100 Burpee Challenge"


AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats



AMRAP in 20 mintues
5 hand stand push ups
10- 1 legged squats
15 pull ups

3.2.1 GO!

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.
Hebrews 12:1

The past is an illusion. You must learn to live in the presentand accept yourself for what you are now. What you lack in flexibility andagility you must make up with knowledge and constant practice.
-Bruce Lee

BBQ's chicken thighs and zucchini
Marinade chicken thighs in:
1 C white wine
3 T lemon juice
2 T chopped oregano
2 T chopped thyme
2 cloves minced garlic
1 tsp onion powder

Marinate for at least 4-6 hours. BBQ to your liking and serve with a side of steamed zucchini. This meal is about 3 Zone blocks. Take the skin off the thighs to cut the fat a little more and enjoy!

Sweet Potato-Apple Compote With Pork Loin
By Robb Wolf
So this one is NOT low-carb but it does work for paleo-diet/gluten free cooking. I absolutely LOVE this meal and it is the perfect answer to the endurance athlete (or anyone) who asks “how do I get carbs on Paleo?” Gee-whizz, lets think here…fruit, tubers such as yams, sweet potatoes, turnips.

For the compote, peel and cube the sweet potatoes into approximately equal sizes. The intention here is to cut things a uniform size for even cooking. Core your apples and cut them into 1/4’s. Throw the whole mess in a pyrex cooking dish with a lid (or cover with foil) and cook for 45min-1hr at 350*F.
While that is cooking brown your pork loin in a pan with olive oil or coconut oil. Sear and brown each side then cook each side on medium for 10 min.
This is delicious served hot or cold. Garnish the compote with cinnamon and you are set. Can you say post workout carb repletion!

Intensity in your WOD's
CrossFit Programming is Constantly Varied, Functional Movements done at High Intensity. Here is the High Intensity part - In the triathlon and running world intensity is measured by heart rate. Power lifters and body builders measure intensity by how red their faces get and weekend warriors measure intensity by how much they sweat. The truth is that all of these factors are merely correlates of intensity, they are not actually intensity. Intensity is EXACTLY equal to Power. Power is work/time, or doing more in less time. If you can to 30 squats in 60 seconds, think how much more intensity you would have to train with to get 60 squats in 60 seconds. This is why most of our workouts have a time component, prescribed weight and reps. With these 3 factors we can monitor the intensity of our workouts and try to improve every training session. Another note on Intensity...Of all the factors associated with your training (the program, exercises, length of workouts, frequency of workouts), Intensity is has the greatest effect on results. Train hard and you'll see results. We can program the workout, motivate and encourage you to work hard and push past the point where you wanted to quit but only you can increase the intensity by working as hard as you can.

Have a great day and remember that "Real Fitness is Earned"
Jay and Janice

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