Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Wednesday November 2, 2011

CrossFit 864

What is it about your life that makes God smile today?

Today's schedule: 5:15a.m./9:00a.m.

“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people,”
-Ephesians 1:18

"I've read the last page of the Bible. It's all going to turn out all right."
-Billy Graham

Warm up - will start promptly at scheduled times above in order to keep all WOD's starting and finishing on track. Please be patient if you arrive early and get prepared/warmed up - respect those that get there at the scheduled time (when warm up actually starts) and need an opportunity to get warmed up, bar loaded, etc. Thanks for your understanding.

Reminder - November dues (by November 2) Thank you!

Today's WOD - For time:

15 Dbell/Kbell Man Makers
30 K2E
10 Dbell/Kbell Man Makers
20 K2E
5 Dbell/Kbell Man Makers
10 K2E

Train Hard - Train Smart

Post WOD - Hydrate, Stretch/Mobility, Refuel (EAT!)

Man Maker # - Dbell or Kbell Go AHAP (as heavy as possible)
Guys should use approximately 35-45 pounds
Girls should use approximately 15-25 pounds
Go heavier if you can. Good strength movement.

Man Maker Basics The man maker is the epitome of a constantly varied functional movement. The man maker takes the basic push up and adds a variety of progressively challenging elements. The man maker addresses strength, balance, coordination and mid line stability in one movement.

Start by standing with a dbell in each hand and drop into the plank position with one dumbbell in each hand. Ensure you maintain a solid plank position and engage your abdominal muscles. Execute a full range of motion push up by lowering your chest to the floor. Press away from the floor and return to the plank position by fully extending your elbows.

Now that you have returned to the plank position, pull one dumbbell up to your chest (rowing motion) and return it to the floor. Repeat by pulling the other dumbbell to the chest then thrust both feet forward toward hands (as if performing a burpee) and complete a squat clean bringing the dbells up to the catch/rack position (at shoulders) then press both dbells overhead. This is one rep. The man maker requires a lot of abdominal and shoulder stability and balance especially during the movement. 

Whining - $5.00 Fee

Jay and Janice

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