CrossFit864 Strength and Conditioning
Lord, you are my God. I honor you and praise you, because you have done amazing things. You have always done what you said you would do; you have done what you planned long ago.
-Isaiah 25:1
You want to mess up the minds of your children? Here’s how – guaranteed! Rear them in a legalistic, tight context of external religion, where performance is more important than reality. Fake your faith. Sneak around and pretend your spirituality. Train your children to do the same. Embrace a long list of do’s and don’ts publicly but hypocritically practice them privately… yet never own up to the fact that its hypocrisy. Act one way but live another. And you can count on it – emotional and spiritual damage will occur.
-Charles (Chuck) Swindoll
Arrive in time to warm-up before the scheduled times below.
WOD's will start at these times. Thank you!
Today's WOD start at - 5:15a.m./9:00a.m./4:15p.m./5:15p.m./6:15p.m.
Constantly Varied - Be Prepared
Rx'd WOD =
Your form is more important today than the load on the bar.
Strength - Floor Press (work up to 5RM)
then 2x5 at 5RM
Legs fully extended / Butt must stay on the floor
2 x 15 Dips (Ring or Bar) NFT - Work on perfect form.
No bands today. If you are unable to do one unassisted dip then spend this time doing skill work on the dip bars by holding at the top, work on stabilizing in the lockout position. You will not get stronger by riding the band on the dips every workout.
Conditioning - AMRAP 10 Minutes
5 KBS (24/16kg.)
10 Lateral Hops
15 K2E
Post Workout - Hydrate. Mobility. Stretch. Skill. Refuel
"How am I to know what I can achieve if I quit?"
- Jason Bishop
How dedicated are you?
Jay and Janice
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