Sunday, January 10, 2016

Monday January 11, 2016


But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved.
-Ephesians 2

“To focus on how I'm doing more than what Christ has done is Christian narcissism” 
-Tullian Tchividjian / Jesus + Nothing = Everything

Today's WOD's - start at:


3 Week Strength Cycle:
(Week 1 - 5RM), (Week 2 - 3RM), (Week 3 - 1RM) 

Deadlift - Monday
Floor Press - Thursday

ALL WODs / Buy In - start together as a group.

a.) Warm-up/Skill Work/Goat/Mobility - Conquering your weakness!

b.) Buy In - Starts as a group

c.) Strength - Deadlift (work up to a heavy set of 3) 

d.) Conditioning: 
 "5 Minute Strategic Deadlift WOD”

Use your best strategy and load the bar for total poundage lifted in 5 minutes. You select the amount of weight and complete as many reps as possible in 5 minutes. 
Weight on bar x reps completed = Total pounds lifted
Heavy weight and less reps?
Light weight and more reps?
Your choice. Which ones will accumulate the most pounds?

Rest 3 Minutes - then

4 Rounds of:
15 Push Press or Push Jerk (95/65)
Rest exactly 30 seconds between rounds.
Goal is to complete all 15 reps unbroken and rest no longer than 30 seconds between rounds.

Scale/modify based on your strength/fitness level.


“Just remember, somewhere, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max.”
-Jim Conroy, Olympic Weightlifting Coach

d.) Cash Out - Finish Strong

Post WOD – Stretch. Mobility. Skill Work. Refuel (EAT!)
Train Hard – Train Smart

RX Movement Standards - Full ROM

Deadlift - No bounce. No dropping bar from lockout.

Scale/modify based on your strength/fitness level. The movement standards will always be covered before the WOD starts.

Upcoming CF864 News/Events/Updates:

Looking for a high quality protein? Check out Vital Proteins at CF864. We are glad that we can offer this to our CF864 athletes. Mixes great with your morning Bulletproof Coffee! Don't waste your money on cheap protein. Look at the many ingredients? How many out of that list can you pronounce? 

January Challenge - accumulate a total of 10 miles of running during the month of January. These miles do not include any miles ran during normal CF864 WODs. You can accumulate the miles however you choose (1 mile per day or all 10 miles in one day.) If you accept the challenge sign up on the board at the gym. There will be a new challenge posted every month. 

Check CrossFit864 Facebook for updates.

CF864 Swag - Get some today!

MRT - Monday January 11 at 7:00p.m.

Ladies Bible Study at CF864 - Thursday January 14 at 7:00p.m.

CF864 Half Marathon (13.1) and 5k February 6, 2016
Get signed up at sportoften 

New week. New Goals. New opportunities.

3.2.1. Go!

STRENGTH: Anyone can workout for an hour, but to control what goes on your plate the other 23 hours...that's hard work, discipline, dedication and determination! 11 Days into the new are you doing with those goals? How can we help?

"For NOTHING will be impossible with God.”
-Luke 1:37

Welcome to Monday. Be Awesome!

Jay and Janice

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