Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Thursday May 28, 2015

CrossFit 864 No Frills Just Results

But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth.
-Colossians 3:8

If a small thing has the power to make you angry, does that not indicate something about your size? 
-Sydney J. Harris

Who are you angry at right now? Why? a mental cancer.
-B.C. Forbes

Food Waste in America's Schools
And so it goes on hundreds of campuses in Los Angeles Unified, the nation's second-largest school system, which serves 650,000 meals a day. Students throw out at least $100,000 worth of food a day — and probably far more, according to estimates by David Binkle, the district's food services director. That amounts to $18 million a year — based on a conservative estimate of 10% food waste.

Looking forward to a great day at CF864!

Don't allow yourself to wake up with yesterday's issues troubling your mind. Refuse to live backwards, see each day as a new chapter. 

Today's WOD's - start at:

Reminder - June Dues (NLT Monday June 1, 2015) 
$25.00 Late fee on all dues after June 1.
Thank you for your consideration! We appreciate you.

Skill Work/Goat Work = Making your weakness your strength.

ALL WODs / Buy In - start together as a group.

Constantly Varied - Be Prepared - Don't get in a Rut!

Skill Work Today - OH Position 

Show up in time to warm up before the Buy In.

a.) Warm-up/Skill Work/Mobility 

b.) Buy In - This is NOT a warm-up / Starts as a group

c.) WOD - AMRAP - 20

5 Floor Press
10 Push-ups (hand release) No Sag. Strict Form
Suitcase Carry (aka One Arm Farmers Walk) 
Run to 100 Meter mark and back  

RX Load on Floor Press = Your body weight
Don't load a weight that you can't unrack / rack without a spot.

RX Suitcase Carry = to 50 Meter mark and switch hands
M = 32kg. KB / W = 24kg. KB
Please don't drop KB and for safety don't leave KB in road between rounds.

Scale / Modify as needed based on your strength / fitness level.

Show up in time to warm up. Remember the buy in is not a warm up.

d.) Cash Out - Finish Strong

Rx = Movement Standards-Full ROM/Form/Load

Upcoming CF864 Events:

CF864 Community Yard Sale (BYOT)
May 30 Saturday 7a.m. - 11a.m. 
Bring your treasures and join us at the gym.
Ladies Bible Study at CF864 - Tuesday (June 2) at 7:00p.m.

CF864 Community Project - Bell Street Middle School 
June 13 from 9 a.m. until 12 noon. This is an opportunity for you to support and be involved in the community that you live in. We will have a short WOD at 8:15 (starts at 8:15... don't show up at 8:15 - be ready to start at 8:15)
We hope that a lot of you will be able to show up and support this community effort especially if you have children that attend here. If we don't help who will? 

Check us out at CrossFit864 on Facebook

Being challenged in life is inevitable.
Being defeated is optional.

Have a great day!

Jay and Janice

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