CrossFit Eight.Six.Four
The vexation of a fool is known at once, but the prudent ignores an insult.
-Proverbs 12:16
“Though my work may be menial, though my contribution may be small, I can perform it with dignity and offer it with unselfishness. My talents may not be great, but I can use them to bless the lives of others.... The goodness of the world in which we live is the accumulated goodness of many small and seemingly inconsequential acts.”
-Gordon Hinckley
Today's WOD's - start at:
5:15a.m./4:15p.m./5:15p.m./6:15p.m.Reminder - June Dues (NLT Monday June 1, 2015)
$25.00 Late fee on all dues after June 1.
Thank you for your consideration! We appreciate you.
a.) Warm-up/Skill Work/Mobility
How much skill work/mobility have you included this week?
b.) Today's WOD
Back Squat 1 x 20
Tabata 8 x 20/10 KBS (32kg./24kg.)
50 Strict T2B (no kip)
Goal = break as few times as possible (post breaks on board)
RX Load on squats = AHAP with good form (ALL reps below parallel - Full ROM) without racking the bar. You will miss the benefit of the squats if you choose to load a weight that doesn't challenge you. It should be a real challenge to complete the last few reps. Don't load a weight that you can only do partial reps with. Post weight used on whiteboard - not concerned about the time on this.
Rx = Movement Standards-Full ROM/Form/Load
c.) Cash Out - Finish Strong
Upcoming CF864 Events:
Check CrossFit864 on Facebook for updates
Ladies Bible Study at CF864 - Tuesday (June 2) at 7:00p.m.
CF864 Community Yard Sale (BYOT)
May 30 Saturday 7a.m. - 11a.m.
Bring your treasures and join us at the gym.
CF864 Community Project - Bell Street Middle School
“Many people are good at talking about what they are doing, but in fact do little. Others do a lot but don't talk about it; they are the ones who make a community live.”
-Jean Vanier
Be humble and consider others MORE important than yourselves.
-Philippians 4:3
Show Up and Be Strong!
Have a great weekend!
God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me.
Variation of an excerpt from "The Serenity Prayer"
by Reinhold Neibuhr
RX Load on squats = AHAP with good form (ALL reps below parallel - Full ROM) without racking the bar. You will miss the benefit of the squats if you choose to load a weight that doesn't challenge you. It should be a real challenge to complete the last few reps. Don't load a weight that you can only do partial reps with. Post weight used on whiteboard - not concerned about the time on this.
Rx = Movement Standards-Full ROM/Form/Load
c.) Cash Out - Finish Strong
Upcoming CF864 Events:
Check CrossFit864 on Facebook for updates
Ladies Bible Study at CF864 - Tuesday (June 2) at 7:00p.m.
CF864 Community Yard Sale (BYOT)
May 30 Saturday 7a.m. - 11a.m.
Bring your treasures and join us at the gym.
CF864 Community Project - Bell Street Middle School
June 13 from 9 a.m. until 12 noon. This is an opportunity for you to support and be involved in the community that you live in. We will have a short WOD at 8:15 (starts at 8:15... don't show up at 8:15 - be ready to start at 8:15)
We hope that a lot of you will be able to show up and support this community effort especially if you have children that attend here. If we don't help who will?
-Jean Vanier
Be humble and consider others MORE important than yourselves.
-Philippians 4:3
Show Up and Be Strong!
Have a great weekend!
God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me.
Variation of an excerpt from "The Serenity Prayer"
by Reinhold Neibuhr
Jay and Janice
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