Sunday, April 13, 2014

Monday April 14, 2014

CF864 Strength and Conditioning

He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed.
-1 Peter 2:24

“If man had his way, the plan of redemption would be an endless and bloody conflict. In reality, salvation was bought not by Jesus' fist, but by His nail-pierced hands; not by muscle but by love; not by vengeance but by forgiveness; not by force but by sacrifice. Jesus Christ our Lord surrendered in order that He might win; He destroyed His enemies by dying for them and conquered death by allowing death to conquer Him.”
-A.W. Tozer

Today's WOD's - start at:

Warm-up/Skill Work - Goat work. Work on clean form (starting position and rack position) Train to be a better athlete. Don't be satisfied with just getting by.

ALL WODs start together as a group.

Buy In - always as a group

Strength - Press 1 RM

Work up to a heavy single strict press. Go for a PR today!

Conditioning 21-15-9 Reps of:

Strict T2B (no kip)
Squat Clean (95/65)

Rx = Movement Standards/Load/ROM/Form

Cash Out - Finish Strong

Men's Roundtable Tonight - A Quest for Authentic Manhood

Monday, April 14 (after last WOD) 7:00p.m.

CrossFit864 Pump and Run" Bench Press/5k
May 3, 2014 - Get signed up today. Last chance to save!
The early entry fee discount ends April 15. Rate goes up after April 15.

"Happy Monday"

be strong!
Jay and Janice

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