But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.
-Acts 20:24
“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”
-Mother Teresa
Today's WOD's - Start Promptly at:
a.) Warm-up
Arrive in time to warm-up before the Buy In.
b.) Buy In (starts as a group at the time above)
c.) WOD - Alternating Tabata (20/10)
a.) Warm-up
Arrive in time to warm-up before the Buy In.
b.) Buy In (starts as a group at the time above)
c.) WOD - Alternating Tabata (20/10)
1.) Ball Slams
2.) No Push-up Burpee
Rest 1 Minute
1.) OH Plate Hold (45/25)
2.) AbMat Sit-ups
d.) Cash Out
This week would usually begin a new 3 week strength cycle of Back Squat and Press. Since we did Memorial Day Murph on Monday...Heavy Back Squats on Tuesday would probably not be very productive. We will wait until next week to start the new cycle and just enjoy some fun WOD's this week.
#1 Priority in the gym today - Yesterday is in the past, focus on today.
Post Workout - Hydrate. Mobility. Stretch. Skill. Refuel
CF864 Kids Camp - 2 Dates:
June 10-13
July 15-18
Great job to all of you that came out Monday and cranked through Murph! We had a really hard working group and we had a great time. What an awesome group of CrossFitters motivating and encouraging each other to give 100%.
Jay and Janice
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