Monday, June 13, 2011

Tuesday June 14, 2011

CrossFit 864 - 5:15a.m./9:00a.m./4:15p.m./5:15p.m./6:15p.m.

“If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”
-Luke 11:13

“There isn’t a person anywhere who isn’t capable of doing more than he thinks he can.”
-Henry Ford

Warm-up with group that are going to WOD with. Please help keep the workouts on schedule by showing up on time and getting started with your warm-up when you arrive. Please go ahead and put your initials on the board before the workout starts under Rx'd or Scaled. You are welcome to and encouraged to hang with everyone after the WOD to catch up with each other and motivate your fellow CrossFitters. Thanks!

WOD - Rx'd = Not partitioned (complete each exercise before moving to the next)

Rx'd movement standards = If you do not meet the following standards on every rep then please list your time under scaled.

Pull-ups - Athlete must start from a hang with elbows fully extended - no bent elbows at bottom of pull-up. Chin must come over the horizontal plane of the bar to complete the rep. Any grip on bar is acceptable for this workout. This is for every rep - not just a few of them.
For this workout any grip is acceptable. Kipping or dead hang - your choice.

Push-ups - A straight body position must be maintained throughout. No snaking, sagging or pushing up from the knees. The elbows and shoulders must be locked out at the top with the feet no wider than shoulder width. At the bottom, the chest (nipple-line or above) must touch the floor and the hands must be lifted.

For time:

100 Pull-ups
800 Meter run
100 Push-ups
800 Meter run
100 Mountain climbers (military 4 count)

Train Hard - Train Smart
Stay Hydrated! Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
How's your nutrition looking this week? No matter how hard you work you cant train hard enough to balance out the negatives of eating trashy all the time! Do you see the results that you want to see? Are you reaching your goals? Don't fool yourself - Junk in = JUNK!
Show up today ready to do hard work!
Jay and Janice

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