Sunday, May 1, 2011

Monday May 2, 2011

CrossFit 864 WOD - 9:00a.m./4:15p.m./5:15p.m./6:15p.m.

Please remember monthly dues by May 2. Thanks!

“And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.”
-Hebrews 11:6

They gave him a manger for a cradle, a carpenter's bench for a pulpit, thorns for a crown, and a cross for a throne. He took them and made them the very glory of his career.
-W.E. Orchard

Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3

Go for a 3 RM PR on your last lift.


5 Rounds for time:

5 Deadlift
10 Box jumps (24/20)
15 Push-ups (CF style - hand release)
Load on DL = 75% of your last set of 3 reps today.
Whatever your heaviest lift for 3 was use 75% of that or AHAP (as heavy as possible for 5)

Train Hard - Train Smart

"Never consider the possibility of failure; as long as you persist, you will be successful."
-Brian Tracy

Friday Night Lights - Mark your calendar for Friday, May 13th. We will do one WOD on Friday that will start at 6:00p.m. This will be a night of fun as we crank through a good workout together. I hope that all of you will plan on being here even if you are part of the early morning crew or come at another time. We will keep you posted on the details. Please let us know if you are interested and plan on being in the box. Post your comments on CrossFit 864 Facebook.

These are a few of the many benefits of deadlifting that I ran across...not to mention the main reason that it's an AWESOME lift and everybody loves picking heavy stuff up off the floor. Remember that heavy might not mean that you have a 1,000 pound deadlift but you should challenge yourself and work on increasing strength by progressively adding weight to the bar. It has been really great to see everyone (guys and girls) really getting down and dirty on the strength work! I think that deep down inside we all want to know what we are capable of. Right?

Why Deadlift?

The benefits of deadlifting are many and varied. Indeed, deadlifting is advantageous because:

Minimum Equipment
It requires little in the way of equipment and preparation. A bar and the willingness to lift it are the only real requirements for a successful deadlift.

Core Stability
It builds core stability. The deadlift directly targets all of the major muscle groups responsible for correct posture and core strength. Correct deadlifting technique enables one to hold their back straight when engaging in daily activities, due to its emphasis on maintaining a straight back throughout its movement.

The deadlift will also strengthen all the surrounding supporting muscles of the waist, backside, hips and, of course, lower back. Core strength is important in terms of maintaining ones balance, and weight transference (whether in sport or daily life).

More Muscles Worked
As mentioned, it works more muscles simultaneously than any other movement (yes, including even the beloved squat). The deadlift targets many muscles. The deadlift truly forces the whole body to become strong.

It is relatively risk free and safe to perform. With the deadlift, there is no risk of getting pinned under a maximum lift (as with the squat and bench press), and provided form is correct, will not unduly stress any of the major joints.

Real Life Application
It has a real life application. Lifting objects from the ground, from a variety of angles, is enhanced through regular deadlifting. The real life functionality of the deadlift comes into play when one becomes strong enough to lift a heavy object (furniture for example), while decreasing the likelihood of injuring themselves.

Gripping Strength
It develops gripping strength. If done without wraps, the deadlift will strengthen the grip like no other movement due to the sheer weight involved (it is not uncommon for one to work up to 300+ pounds for repetitions).

True Measure Of Strength
It could be argued that, in a powerlifting context, the deadlift is a true measure of strength due to its lack of emphasis on various performance aids (suits etc). It also employs more muscle groups, and therefore could be deemed a better test of overall muscle strength.

Special Appeal
It has a special appeal. Simply picking a weight off the floor, and engaging all major muscle groups in the process, has a special primordial appeal - sort of like ripping a gigantic tree out of the ground. Standing and holding the massive weight also promotes a feeling of immense power

Cardio Respiratory Fitness
It helps to develop cardio respiratory fitness. Like the squat, deadlifts will severely tax the cardio respiratorysystem if done with enough intensity. This obviously has positive ramifications for cardiovascular health. In fact, high intensity deadlifts aerobically tax the body big time.
Looking forward to seeing you in the box and another great week of CrossFitting together.
Jay and Janice

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