Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Thursday March 24, 2011

CrossFit 864 WOD

“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”
- James 1:12

Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death!
-Earl Wilson

Today's off the wall fact that probably means nothing to anyone is:

On this day March 24, 1989 - The Exxon Valdez spilled 240,000 barrels (11 million gallons) of oil in Alaska's Prince William Sound after it ran aground.

Warm-up/Range of motion as a group. Be ready to go at the scheduled time.

Today's WOD


200M sprint, 20 x Pull-ups

400M sprint, 20 x Pull-ups, 50 x Push-ups

800M sprint, 20 x Pull-ups, 50 x Push-ups, 75 x Sit-ups

1 Mile Run, 20 x Pull-ups, 50 x Push-ups, 75 x Sit-ups, 100 x Squats

800M Sprint, 20 x Pull-ups, 50 x Push-ups, 75 x Sit-ups

400M sprint, 20 x Pull-ups, 50 x Push-ups

200M Sprint

This WOD in memory of Corey Scott Rozell, submitted by his brothers at NMMI:

Born on October 16,1988, in Maine to Tammy Norton, and David A. Rozell. He was a cadet at New Mexico Military Institute as a sponsored prep for the Coast Guard Academy. Corey was 22 when he passed February 19, 2011. Corey was mostly defined by his tattoos. You couldn't help but look at the fire and water elements on his arms, or the pin up girls running up his side, and most just gasped when they saw his whole back, the memorial he made for his brother, Jason, who died in 2002. Corey was loud, muscled, and proud. No matter what, he could put a smile on your face. He was three years enlisted in the Coast Guard and achieved the rank of Petty Officer Third Class. Corey gave the best name possible for the Coast Guard and all members of the armed forces. He ate, drank, and now sleeps with Semper Paratus on his mind and in his heart. Rest in Peace Corey.

This WOD borrowed from Coach Divine (SF)

If you are new to CrossFit or need to scale the workout this is an option (half of the reps)

100M sprint, 10 x Pull-ups

200M sprint, 10 x Pull-ups, 25 x Push-ups

400M sprint, 10 x Pull-ups, 25 x Push-ups, 50 x Sit-ups

800M Run, 10 x Pull-ups, 25 x Push-ups, 50 x Sit-ups, 50 x Squats

400M Sprint, 10 x Pull-ups, 25 x Push-ups, 50 x Sit-ups

200M sprint, 10 x Pull-ups, 25 x Push-ups

100M Sprint

Train Hard - Train Smart

Hope that all of you are having a good week so far!

Post your time on CrossFit 864 Facebook

Show up ready to do hard work today!

Jay and Janice

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