CrossFit 864 - WOD 5:15a.m. / 9:00a.m.
Nutrition Workshop/Lecture at CrossFit 864 - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 at 6:00p.m. We will not have a 6:15p.m. WOD on Tuesday.
It's time to get off the grains!
Many of you have told us how you really benefited from the accountability that came along with the last "Paleo Challenge" so we are going to kick it off again very soon! We are going to do it a little different this time and I think we are going to see amazing results. If you are not doing Paleo now then it will really benefit you to spend some time doing a little research and talking with the guys/girls in the box about some of the things that have helped them. I know that many of you are really doing great on your eating, especially with the start of the new year. This will be a real good chance to help keep each other accountable and motivate each other. Start stocking up on Paleo at the grocery store now. We will provide some handouts, etc on Tuesday so we will need a headcount as soon as possible in order to be able to provide material for everyone attending. Bring a note pad. Please respond on CF864 Facebook.
Great to see so many of you show up on Tuesday to take on "Curtis P"...I am very aware that many of you really hate Old Curtis but you showed up anyway ready to do battle and that's what it's all about. Me and Curtis had a little battle of our own and both of us were trying to make the other "TAP OUT" ...That's CrossFit! Now, on to the next battle. Remember "The only easy day was yesterday"
Keep up with your fellow CrossFitters on CrossFit 864 Facebook.
Warm-up / Range of Motion-Mobility Work
Not for time - before WOD: 40 DU's (double unders) singles x3
5 rounds for time:
1 minute plank hold
10 Floor Press w/Dbell or Kbell
(select weight based on strength level - make it a challenge)
20 Abmat Sit-ups
10 Ball Slams (25-30/40-50)
Hydrate - Stretch - Mobility Work - Refuel (EAT!)
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
- Micah 6:8
“Training should hurt, but never injure…if there is no pain, there is no fear…if there is no fear, then you’re not really training.”
- T. Blauer
Today's off the wall fact that probably means nothing to anyone is:
On this day January 5, 1920 Boston Red Sox sell Babe Ruth to New York Yankees
How has the first week of 2011 been for you so far? There has been a lot of energy in the box the last couple of days. I seeing some faces that we were missing the last few weeks of 2010 - glad to have you back! You create such a positive environment when you take the time to motivate and encourage each other to be strong and never give up during some these challenging workouts. Remeber this is your CrossFit so be proud of the hard work that you do!
Jay and Janice
Nutrition Workshop/Lecture at CrossFit 864 - Tuesday, January 11, 2011 at 6:00p.m. We will not have a 6:15p.m. WOD on Tuesday.
It's time to get off the grains!
Many of you have told us how you really benefited from the accountability that came along with the last "Paleo Challenge" so we are going to kick it off again very soon! We are going to do it a little different this time and I think we are going to see amazing results. If you are not doing Paleo now then it will really benefit you to spend some time doing a little research and talking with the guys/girls in the box about some of the things that have helped them. I know that many of you are really doing great on your eating, especially with the start of the new year. This will be a real good chance to help keep each other accountable and motivate each other. Start stocking up on Paleo at the grocery store now. We will provide some handouts, etc on Tuesday so we will need a headcount as soon as possible in order to be able to provide material for everyone attending. Bring a note pad. Please respond on CF864 Facebook.
Great to see so many of you show up on Tuesday to take on "Curtis P"...I am very aware that many of you really hate Old Curtis but you showed up anyway ready to do battle and that's what it's all about. Me and Curtis had a little battle of our own and both of us were trying to make the other "TAP OUT" ...That's CrossFit! Now, on to the next battle. Remember "The only easy day was yesterday"
Keep up with your fellow CrossFitters on CrossFit 864 Facebook.
Warm-up / Range of Motion-Mobility Work
Not for time - before WOD: 40 DU's (double unders) singles x3
5 rounds for time:
1 minute plank hold
10 Floor Press w/Dbell or Kbell
(select weight based on strength level - make it a challenge)
20 Abmat Sit-ups
10 Ball Slams (25-30/40-50)
Hydrate - Stretch - Mobility Work - Refuel (EAT!)
“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
- Micah 6:8
“Training should hurt, but never injure…if there is no pain, there is no fear…if there is no fear, then you’re not really training.”
- T. Blauer
Today's off the wall fact that probably means nothing to anyone is:
On this day January 5, 1920 Boston Red Sox sell Babe Ruth to New York Yankees
How has the first week of 2011 been for you so far? There has been a lot of energy in the box the last couple of days. I seeing some faces that we were missing the last few weeks of 2010 - glad to have you back! You create such a positive environment when you take the time to motivate and encourage each other to be strong and never give up during some these challenging workouts. Remeber this is your CrossFit so be proud of the hard work that you do!
Jay and Janice
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