Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wednesday January 19, 2011

CrossFit 864 WOD - 5:15a.m./9:00a.m.

Please arrive on time so that we can get everyone started as group. If you arrive after a workout has started please wait until the next scheduled group kicks off. This will help us maintain some structure and will help us not have 2 or 3 separate WODs going at one time. Thanks for your understanding.

Group warm-up / Range of motion / Review of the workout

5 Rounds of:

5 Ground to Overhead (135/75)
7 Strict Pull-ups (dead hang - no kip)
9 GHD Sit-ups
21 DU's (double unders) or 3x singles

If you put your name up as Rx'd this is what we want to see.

Every single rep completed. It might be a good idea to count them out loud like you were in boot camp! 1-2-3-4-5.....Not 1-2-3-9-10 done...If you lose count the next number is always ONE, not 99. Lets keep it legit guys and keep the integrity in what we do! Remember as I say quite often...First or dead stinking last - did you do your best and give it 100%? Thats all that matters. That is what will impress others more than anything. OK, enough said...you get the point. Any questions?

Movement Standards:
Strict Pull-ups - Athlete must start from a hang with elbows fully extended - no bent elbows at bottom of pull-up. Chin must come over the horizontal plane of the bar to complete the rep. Any grip on bar is acceptable for this workout. This is for every rep - not just a few of them.

Ground to Overhead - From the ground bring the bar to full extension (arms locked out) with the bar overhead. Knees, hips, shoulders, and elbows locked out completely on each rep then back to the ground on each rep. The press does not have to be a strict press - you can push press.

Stretch - Hydrate - Mobility Work - Refuel

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”
- 1 Corinthians 10:13

Today's off the wall fact that probably means nothing to anyone is:
On this day in history January 18, 1992 Nature Boy Ric Flair becomes WWF champ at Royal Rumble.

Only Irish coffee provides in a single glass all four essential food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and fat.
-Alex Levine

Glad to see so many of you turn out for the nutrition seminar on Tuesday night! That tells me that you have an interest in a very important part of your overall health. Yes, what you choose to put into your body plays a very important role in many ways and the consequences of poor eating habits are going to catch up with you at some point in your life. For those that think a workout will balance out poor eating habits...sorry but it doesn't work that way. I really hate to see some of you work so hard day after day during the WODs and then fill you body with absolute trash (sugars, excessive amounts of carbs, etc.) You are missing out of some the benefits of your hard work.

If you have ever asked the following question then the attached article is for you.

Why can some people eat anything they want and never gain a pound?


"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but instead will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."
-Thomas Edison

A "Big Thanks" to Dr. Jay Montgomery for taking time out of his schedule to share his knowledge of how different foods affect our body and to help everyone understand the long term health issues associated with poor eating habits. A lot of great information was passed along. Thanks!

The "CF864 Paleo Challenge" will kick off on Monday January 24, 2011. This week will allow those of you that choose to participate a chance to stock up your fridge and cabinets with good quality food and to get rid of the junk in there before Monday as recommended on Tuesday night. We will post the guidelines and rules by the end of this week. Are you in?

Question of the day: What will be the hardest thing to give up if you decide to take the challenge and go 100% Paleo? What reason (EXCUSE) are you using not to give it a try? Post your thoughts on CrossFit 864 Facebook. I want to hear from you on this one...show a little team participation and let us know what you think.

Paleo recipe swap / Paleo sampler platter
On Monday after the last WOD (approx 6:45-7:00p.m.) we will have a Paleo kickoff / recipe swap at the gym. If you would like to participate please sign up and bring your favorite Paleo dish for others to sample. It is important for everyone to sign up on the board at the gym so that everyone knows what each other will bring and we don't have a lot of the same things. This will be fun and a great time for everyone to get together.

We appreciate all of you and we are very motivated by the hard work that we see so many of you turning out every single day! Proud to be part of the CF864 family!

Jay and Janice

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