Thursday, July 22, 2010

Friday July 23, 2010

CrossFit 864 WOD - 4:15p.m. / 5:15p.m. / 6:15p.m.

Five rounds for time of:
45 pound Overhead walking lunges, 50 feet (45/25 plate)
21 Burpees

Trailing knee gently touches the ground on each lunge.

Overhead Lunges with Weight by Elizabeth Quinn

A Variation of the Lunge Works Nearly Every Muscle in the Body

This is a variation of the basic lunge exercise that works the entire body and has tremendous benefits for most athletes. By holding weights overhead while performing a lunge, you build upper- and- lower-body strength, increase the power and speed in the legs and improve core strength during movements. The overhead lunge exercise builds lower body strength in the quads, glutes and core, while improving balance and proprioception.

This exercise builds power, because it requires that the athlete load the foot, knees, hips and core up through the shoulders, and then quickly and powerfully unload this weight by driving down in to the ground to return to the start position.

As a stability exercise, this movement isolates the quads and hamstrings with the lunge motion. Adding the overhead weight causes the stabilizers in the shoulders, including the upper and lower trapezius, to engage as well as force the core muscles to lengthen and contract even more fully.

To Read Further Click HERE, courtesy of Sports Medicine

“But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?" Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
- Matthew 16:15-16

A man can no more take in a supply of grace for the future than he can eat enough for the next six months, or take sufficient air into his lungs at one time to sustain life for a week. We must draw upon God's boundless store of grace from day to day, as we need it.
-D.L. Moody

Poor form in the gym is caused by insufficient yelling.
-Strength Coach Mark Rippetoe

If lifting heavy weights for partial [squats] were of any benefit for sports, Gold's Gym would be fielding the majority of the 2008 Olympic team
-Strength Coach Mark Rippetoe

Hope that all of you have had a great week.
Janice and Jay

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