Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Wednesday June 26, 2013

CF864 Strength and Conditioning

In times of trouble, may the Lord answer your cry. May the name of the God of Jacob keep you safe from all harm.
-Psalm 20:1

“Courage doesn't always roar, sometimes it's the quiet voice at the end of the day whispering 'I will try again tomorrow”
-Mary Anne Radmacher

Equipment needed for today's WOD: Mojo!
stopwatch, sidewalk chalk, iPod (optional)

NO Excuses!

Today’s CF864 Home WOD: 100 Burpees followed by 1 Mile Run for time

Option a.) 100 Hand Release Push-ups and 100 Jumping Squats 
Straight sets (not broken into rounds)

Option b.) Tabata Air Squats (bottom to bottom) 
Bottom to Bottom = hold at bottom during 10 second rest.
Tabata = 8 x 20 seconds of work / 10 seconds rest
followed by a 5k Run (3.1 miles)

Option c.) 10 Rounds for time:
Run 200m
10 squats
10 push ups
10 sit-ups

Scale to 5 Rounds if you need to based on your strength level.

Abdominal Strength – 3 x Max Plank Hold
After you drop on the first one give yourself 3 minutes and go again trying to hold longer than the first time.

Challenge – wear your weighted vest on today's WOD.

Can’t do / Won’t do / Don’t Like to do/ "Love BURPEES"
Which category do you fall into? 
You know the old saying "if it were easy then everybody would be doing it."

Don't get slack this week! Need accountability? Post your time on CrossFit864 Facebook.

Have a great day!

Jay and Janice

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