“Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
-John 8:12
Amazing grace! (how sweet the sound)
That sav'd a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.
-John Newton
Warm-up's start today at:
Reminder - December dues by December 2. Thanks for your consideration - this allows us to fulfill our monthly obligations in a timely manner.
Strength Cycle (week 1)
Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5
For time:
150 Push Ups
Push Ups are hand release (CF Games Style)
The focus of today's training is building strength. This is where you should direct the majority of your energy today. A strong CrossFitter is a better CrossFitter so work hard to hit a 5 rep PR. What was the heaviest load that you pulled on your last 5 rep deadlift?
Bring your running shoes for today's conditioning work. I know that some of you are training in minimalist running shoes that work good for CrossFit because most of them are flat enough (very little cushioning if any at all) so they are ok on squats, deadlifts, box jumps, etc. and definitely better for running. If you aren't training in this type of shoe then I hope that you have a pair of old school Chuck Taylor's (or your favorite flat shoes) for lifting. The cushioned running shoes are not good on squat and deadlift days. Do you keep all of your training gear in your gym bag with you? Are you prepared to hit any WOD when you show up at the gym? The concept of CrossFit is supposed to help you become prepared for the unexpected and to be able to perform various task that life might throw at you without a lot of notice. Don't lose the benefits of that aspect by fearing the unknown. In the real world things happen that aren't always will you handle them? Will you be prepared or will you be devastated because it wasn't part of your normal routine or what you expected. This is why this stuff works so well for the law enforcement and military community because so many things happen without notice or without time to prepare. Be ready for anything! Your training will benefit from the core concept of CrossFits "Random and Varied" methodology. Don't forget how important that is to the type of training that we do. Hit it hard today!
For time:
150 Push Ups
Every time you stop and rest with your chest on the ground this constitutes a penalty. If a penalty is counted, you must immediately sprint 50 meters. Once the penalty is completed continue with the push ups.
You can rest in a pike position (the top of a push up) but once you can not do push ups any longer and need to rest on the ground, a penalty is counted and a 50 meter sprint must be completed.
Post times and number of penalties to comments.
Push Ups are hand release (CF Games Style)
The focus of today's training is building strength. This is where you should direct the majority of your energy today. A strong CrossFitter is a better CrossFitter so work hard to hit a 5 rep PR. What was the heaviest load that you pulled on your last 5 rep deadlift?
Bring your running shoes for today's conditioning work. I know that some of you are training in minimalist running shoes that work good for CrossFit because most of them are flat enough (very little cushioning if any at all) so they are ok on squats, deadlifts, box jumps, etc. and definitely better for running. If you aren't training in this type of shoe then I hope that you have a pair of old school Chuck Taylor's (or your favorite flat shoes) for lifting. The cushioned running shoes are not good on squat and deadlift days. Do you keep all of your training gear in your gym bag with you? Are you prepared to hit any WOD when you show up at the gym? The concept of CrossFit is supposed to help you become prepared for the unexpected and to be able to perform various task that life might throw at you without a lot of notice. Don't lose the benefits of that aspect by fearing the unknown. In the real world things happen that aren't always will you handle them? Will you be prepared or will you be devastated because it wasn't part of your normal routine or what you expected. This is why this stuff works so well for the law enforcement and military community because so many things happen without notice or without time to prepare. Be ready for anything! Your training will benefit from the core concept of CrossFits "Random and Varied" methodology. Don't forget how important that is to the type of training that we do. Hit it hard today!
Train Hard - Train Smart
Rip on wearing gloves during weight training:
If you insist on wearing gloves, make sure they match your purse.
-Coach Mark Rippetoe (Strength Coach)
2011 Annual Christmas Light Run/Walk
Bring friends and family and join us on Monday December 12th. We will leave CF864 at 7:00p.m. (various routes will be posted on the board.) We will run/walk through the neighborhoods and meet up at Mr. Gault's house and return to the gym together from there. This is always a fun family time and we hope that all of you can join us this year.
"Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory"
-General George Patton"
Just a quick word to tell you how awesome it is to see you guys supporting and encouraging each other the way that you do before, during and after the WOD. What a great community to be part of! Hooyah!
Are you a "giver or a taker?"
Jay and Janice
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