CrossFit 864 WOD
Help keep the WODs on schedule. No matter what time you show up - the warm-up is scheduled to start at 5:15a.m., 9:00a.m.. 4:15p.m., 5:15p.m., 6:15p.m. so if you get to the gym early please be patient with others that arrive at the scheduled time for the warm-up to begin. The ones that show up at the scheduled time should not feel like they are rushed to get ready to jump into the workout without time to get prepared. Thanks for your understanding.
Skills Workshop - This Saturday at CrossFit 864 after the morning "Team Workout"
From 9:00a.m. until 12 noon with Coach Paul Beckwith.
The focus will be Olympic Lifting skills (snatch, clean and jerk, etc.) and Gymnastics work (kipping pull-ups, rings, etc.)
I highly recommend this for everyone that can attend and learn the fundamentals of the Olympic moves. You are going to see more of these lifts incorporated into our workouts so don't get left behind. We need to know asap if you would like to attend - we need a count and you will not be able to just show up. More details to follow.
email us @
Today's WOD
"Pull-up Ladder"
With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed. Post number of rounds completed to comments.
Then - Starting as a group after the last person finishes the pull-up ladder.
For time:
1 Mile run
50 Thrusters (95/65)
Hydrate - Stretch - Mobility Work - Refuel (EAT!)
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
-Ephesians 2:8-10
“Like any other gift, the gift of grace can be yours only if you'll reach out and take it. Maybe being able to reach out and take it is a gift too.”
Today's off the wall fact that probably means nothing to anyone is:
February 16 - National Almond Day
History of Almonds:
Historians generally agree that almonds and dates, both mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible, were among the earliest cultivated foods.
In classical times, the Romans distributed sugared almonds as gifts to great men at public and private events.
In the mid-1700s, the Franciscan Padres planted almond trees to grace their missions along El Camino Real (The Royal Road) that stretches along the California coast from San Diego to Sonoma.
Discovering its Origins:
The earliest varieties of almonds were found in China carried by traders down the ancient silk road to Greece, Turkey, and the Middle East.
The almond is botanically a stone fruit related to the cherry, the plum, and the peach
-The Great Food Almanac, Irena Chalmers.
Legendary Myths:
According to superstition - If you eat almonds before taking a drink, you will reduce your chances of getting drunk and avoid having a hangover.
International Influence:
Over 90 nations import California almonds, with Germany and Japan at the top of export consumption
Almonds were introduced to California in the mid 1700s. The state's 6,000 almond growers produce 100 percent of the commercial domestic supply and 80 percent of the world's supply.
Almonds are California's largest tree nut crop in total dollar value and acreage, and the seventh largest food export market.
Farmers Walk Grip
Coach B - Oly Skills (Snatch)
Lot of PR's this week! Did you PR on a lift or a benchmark WOD? If so, let us hear you on CrossFit 864 Facebook. Don't just read the post...join in and be part of the CF864 community. I have heard some say that I don't post my times because I don't want to sound like I'm bragging or I'm just not worried about my time or strength. Well. what drives you? What is it that makes you show up day after day and crank out one brutal WOD after another? First of all it is not bragging to post your hard earned accomplishments or posting that you hit a PR and conquered a weakness or reached a goal because your fellow CrossFitters want to know and they want to celebrate with you. It also allows others that are at or around the same fitness level as you to have something to compare their WOD time/strength level you are helping your brother/sister out. We have the same group of guys and girls that post their comments each day and it is a very small percentage of the guys and girls that come through the gym on a daily basis. So, when you get to the gym go ahead and put your initials on the whiteboard and log your time at the end of the WOD and we hope that all of you will start posting your workouts on the CrossFit 864 Facebook page. We are proud to be part of such an awesome group of hardcore motivated and dedicated people - the CF864 Family. Thank you for making it what it is.
Jay and Janice
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