Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Thursday February 10, 2011

CrossFit 864 WOD
5:15a.m. / 9:00a.m. / 4:15p.m. / 5:15p.m. / 6:15p.m.

Post your time/load on CrossFit 864 Facebook.

We are over halfway through the 30 Day Paleo Challenge so be strong and dont give up!

I cant put enough emphasis on a proper warm up and getting prepared for each workout. For your health and safety please do not show up and plan on jumping into a WOD without spending plenty of time getting ready. When you get to the box early grab a piece of PVC and get your joints moving. Please dont risk an injury as a result of rushing your warm up.

Warm up as a group - 2 Rounds of:
15 Air squats
15 Push-ups

Range of motion (PVC) drills.
Spend a total of 2 minutes on each of the following (rotate between the 2)
Hang/hold (stretch) from pull-up bar
Deep squat stretch

WOD - 5 Rounds for time:

10 Front Squats
10 C2B Pull-ups (chest to bar)
10 Kettlebell Swings

Loading =
75% of bodyweight for front squats
16kg/32kg kettlebells

Rx'd= FORM/FROM (Full Range of Motion) Not just the amount of weight used.

Scaled version/options-Sub dead hang or kipping pull-ups for C2B (chest to bar)

Front Squat - Bar must remain in front of the body at all times above the clavicle and below the chin. The squat begins from a fully extended standing position and must pass through the range of motion where the crease of the hip falls below the crest of the knee, and finishes back in a full standing position hips and knees open. Keep your elbows and chest up. Abdominals tight. Do not lean forward, keep weight on your heels.

Pull-ups - Athlete must start from a hang with elbows fully extended - no bent elbows at bottom of pull-up. Chest must touch the bar to complete the rep. Any grip on bar and dead hang or any form of kipping is acceptable for this workout. Athlete must touch chest to bar on every rep if doing Rx'd - not just a few of them.

Train Hard - Train Smart

I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
-Philippians 4:12-13

"He has the most who is most content with the least."
- Diogenes

Jay and Janice

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