Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Wednesday January 6, 2016

CrossFit 864 No Frills Just Results

"And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”
-Matthew 21:22

“He who cannot be a good follower cannot be a good leader.”

This day in history - 1914
Stock brokerage firm of Merrill Lynch founded

Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble (NLT)

Hump Day WOD's - start at: 5:15a.m./8:00a.m.

ALL WODs and Buy In - start as a group.

Skill Work - What weakness are you working on today? 


Looking for a high quality protein? Check out Vital Proteins at CF864. We are glad that we can offer this to our CF864 athletes. Mixes great with your morning Bulletproof Coffee

a.) Warm-up/Skill Work/Goat Work/Mobility 

b.) Buy In - Always starts as a group

c.) Today's WOD - Three Rounds

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.
This is a five-minute round with a one-minute break before repeating. 
The stations are: 

1-Wall Ball 
2-One Arm KB Push Press (AHAP) switch arms as needed
3-Plank Hold - on elbows
4-Weighted Step-up (plate OH - 45/25) 
Rest 1 Minute


Reminder - January Dues (NLT Friday Jan. 1, 2016)
$25 Late Fee after Monday Jan.  4, 2016 
Thank you for your consideration! We appreciate you.

STRENGTH: Anyone can workout for an hour, but to control what goes on your plate the other 23 hours...that's hard work, discipline, dedication and determination! 

Support your fellow CrossFitters!

It took more than a day to put it on.
It will take more than a day to take it off.
Let's get started!

d.) Cash Out - Finish Strong 

Upcoming CF864 News/Events/Updates: 

Consistent hard work all year long! New Years Resolutions fade away by the end of January. Proud of our CF864 Crew that hit it hard year round.  

Check CrossFit864 Facebook for updates.

CF864 Swag - Get some today and Represent! 

MRT - Monday January 11 at 7:00p.m.

Ladies Bible Study at CF864 - Thursday January 14 at 7:00p.m.

CF864 Half Marathon (13.1) and 5k February 6, 2016
Get signed up at sportoften 

If we don't support our own community - who will?

CF864 Half Marathon (13.1) and 5k February 6, 2016
Get signed up at sportoften 

Be humble and consider others MORE important than yourselves.
-Philippians 4:3

If we don't support our own community - who will?

“If all the Christians- I mean all of 'em- got outta the pews on Sundays and into the streets, we'd shut the city down.
We'd shut down hunger.
We'd shut down loneliness.
We'd shut down the notion that there is any such of a thing as a person that don't deserve a kind word and a second chance.”

-Ron Hall

I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.
-Philippians 3:18

CF864 - No Whining Zone!

See Ya in the Gym?

Jay and Janice

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