Sunday, November 29, 2015

Monday November 30, 2015


“They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’
“He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
-Matthew 25:45-46

"Throwing food away is like stealing it from the poor and hungry" 
-Pope Francis

Useless fact for the day:
The "dot" over the letter "i" is called a tittle.

Check CrossFit864 on Facebook for updates

Today's WOD's - start at:

Please show up early enough to warm up before the Buy In kicks off. This keeps all of the WODs running on schedule. Thx for your consideration.

3 Week Strength Cycle:
(Week 1 - 5RM), (Week 2 - 3RM), (Week 3 - 1RM) 

Back SquatMonday

Power Clean - Thursday

Skill Work / Goat Work - Conquering your weakness! 

ALL WODs / Buy In - start together as a group.

You or Others?
Be humble and consider others MORE important than yourselves.
-Philippians 4:3

30% Gym. 70% Kitchen. 100% Willpower

It doesn't matter how hard you work in the gym if you can't control what you put on your plate!

Reminder - December Dues (NLT Tuesday Dec. 1, 2015) 
Thank you for your consideration! We appreciate you.

a.) Warm-up/Skill Work/Mobility 

b.) Buy In - Starts as a group

c.) Strength - Back Squat (work up to a heavy set of 5) 

d.) Conditioning - For time:

50 KBS (24kg./16kg.) American
50 DUs (SCALE - X 3 singles)
30 Jumping Air Squats
50DUs (SCALE - X 3 singles)
50 KBS (24kg./16kg.) American

RX Movement Standards - Full ROM

Scale/modify based on your strength/fitness level. The movement standards will always be covered before the WOD starts.

e.) Cash Out - Finish Strong

Upcoming CF864 News/Events/Updates: 

Cyber Monday CF864 Specials - See details on CrossFit864 on Facebook

CF864 Swag in the gym. Hoodies and Tees. Thanks to those that represent and support your box!

Talk to Santa about a new jump rope.

We have a few R-21 shirts left. $15  

MRT - Monday November 30 - 7:00p.m.

Ladies Bible Study at CF864 - Tuesday December 1 at 7:00p.m.

CF864 Christmas Party 
Friday December 4 - 7:00p.m. Get signed up on board
Bring a $10 Gift (for exchange) and a dish to share.

CF864 Half Marathon (13.1) February 6, 2016
Get signed up at sportoften (link below) 

It's Monday - New week. New opportunities.

3.2.1. Go!

Welcome to Monday!

Make it a great day! 

Jay and Janice

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