CF864 Strength and Conditioning
And you, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High; for you will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for him, to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven
-Luke 1:76-78
Maybe Christmas, the Grinch thought, doesn't come from a store.
-Dr. Seuss
What are your greatest Christmas memories?
Today's WOD's - Start Promptly at:
a.) Warm-up - Mobility work / Skill Work
b.) Buy In (starts at the time above)
c.) WOD - For time:
150 KBS (24kg./16kg.)
Every 30 Seconds - complete:
3 Goblet Squats (same KB used for swings)Continue until you complete a total of 150 American swings
Rx = Meeting the following movement standard:
Kettlebell swing:
At the top of the swing, the kettlebell must be fully inverted (bell over the handle, straight up), centered over the feet with the hips and knees fully extended and the arms straight, fully extended at the top of the swing. At the bottom, the wrists must touch the thighs and the bell must pass behind the heels.
Don't drop kettlebells - please control to the ground.
d.) Cash Out
Post Workout - Hydrate. Mobility. Stretch. Skill. Refuel
Dedication = Results
Check the whiteboard at the gym for upcoming events.
CrossFit Half Marathon - February 1, 2014
Pick up your flyer at the gym and get signed up now.
CF864 Christmas Party - Friday December 20
Get signed up for the appetizer that you plan on bringing.
Gift swap $10 gift - each person
CrossFit864 Gift Certificates available for your favorite CrossFitter (even if your favorite CrossFitter is yourself)
Take a close look at today's WOD schedule posted above.
Have a great day!
be strong!
Jay and Janice
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