Monday, December 28, 2009

Tuesday December 29, 2009

CF -864 Today's schedule

The "100th" day of the burpee challenge is here!
Congratulations to:
Tex, John, Lindsey, Kelli, Heidi, Sarah, Becky, Natalie, and Gunny!
Many signed up but few survived!

New Years Day 5k Run - 9:00a.m.
Meet at CrossFit and kick off the new year with us.

WOD - for time:
"100 burpees"

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
- Matthew 11:28

Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.
- Booker T. Washington

Mobile Body-Fat Testing is coming to CrossFit 864 on January 23, 2010 8am - 1pm. Please email us asap to schedule an appointment. The fee for first time body analysis is $49.00. If this is your second time the fee is only $39. If you do not know what your body fat is then this is a great time to have it analyzed so that you can gauge your progress throughout the year. If you have questions please give us a call or email.

Body Fat Test - The only Hi-Tech Mobile Body-Fat Testing clinic anywhere! Body Fat Test conducts mobile body fat testing at health clubs, corporations, hospitals, military, government agencies, wellness centers, and even TV series.

Awesome effort by everyone today (Monday) on the deadlift/sprint WOD! It took a little extra motivation today to lift "heavy stuff" off the floor and then sprint in the cold. Big Hoo-rah to PR's today during the heavy deadlift WOD - Deadlifts then AMRAP of: burpee/pull-up/toes-to-bar.

Ooh-rah (also spelled Urah or Hoo-rah) is a spirited cry common to United States Marines since the mid-20th century. It is comparable to the Hooah cry used in the Army or Hooyah by the Navy SEALs. It is most commonly used to respond to a verbal greeting or as an expression of enthusiasm.

Why Crossfit?
Simple: Real life situations do not differentiate between cardio and strength demands. Neither is there an option of isolating a movement to protect weaker muscles. Real situations require movements that involve multi-joint dynamic motions that are done fast, under load and executed with surprising power and spot on accuracy. These demand both oxygen and strength, power and endurance, quick recovery and mental toughness.

Crossfit addresses these demands like no other fitness program. Through coached intensity and proper form, firefighters, young mothers, law enforcement/military personnel, grandfathers and athletes of all levels can achieve more effective results faster. Crossfit will get you the strength you need to get hoses up stairs, carry your toddler to safety, stay powerful longer in a brawl and get you in your best shape.
Just ask a Crossfitter!

Janice and Jay

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