I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.
-Psalm 16:8
“Never bend your head. Hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.”
-Hellen Keller
Check CrossFit864 on Facebook for updates
Today's WOD's - start promptly at:
Willpower: the ability to control yourself: strong determination that allows you to do something difficult.
Skill Work / Goat Work - Conquering your weakness!
ALL WODs / Buy In - start together as a group promptly at scheduled times posted above.
Reminder - November Dues (NLT Monday Nov. 2, 2015)
Thank you for your consideration! We appreciate you.
a.) Warm-up/Skill Work/Mobility
b.) WOD: 8 RFT
3 Front Squats
5 Strict Pull-ups
Sprint 100 Meters
3 Rules for Squats:
A Squat above parallel is NOT a Squat!
A Squat above parallel is NOT a Squat!
A Squat above parallel is NOT a Squat!
RX Movement Standards
RX FS Load = body weight
Pull-up = palms forward. No kip. Full extension of arms at bottom
100% Sprint to 50 Meter mark and back.
c.) Cash Out - Finish Strong
Upcoming CF864 News/Events/Updates:
Ladies Bible Study at CF864 - Tuesday November 3 at 7:00p.m.
"R-21" CF864 Hero WOD - November 7
Barbells for Boobs - November 14
Join the CF864 Team at HIT CrossFit
Get signed up
Have a great day!
Jay and Janice